Danish Science Journalists Association
Danish Science Journalists Association was founded in 1976. The purpose of the Association is to support professionals working to communicate information on science and technology in public media.
Danish Science Journalists Association has around 150 members; journalists and editors at newspapers, radio, television and magazines as well as freelancers. Other members are information officers from universities and public research institutions as well as other professional communicators of science.
The association has an electronic mailing list, where information as interesting press releases or invitations as well as job opportunities are distributed to members.
Typically, we have four to six arrangements per year. It is the experience of the Board that arrangements with an element of debate or education generates most interest among the members. Some examples are a seminar on critical science journalism and a recent course on the proper use of illustrations in science features.
The financial backbone of the Association is the members contributions; currently 400 DKK per member per year. Besides, we find sponsors for specific arrangements. Premises for such arrangements are often provided for free by institutions and media.